After a brief hiatus following the cancellation of the Shuttle programme, the space race is now well and truly back on. Some of the world’s richest men are investing millions of dollars to push the boundaries of space, including Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic, Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin, and, most high profile of all, Elon Musk’s Space X.
Together, these visionaries are stretching the boundaries of what is possible, from reusable launch rockets that return with pinpoint precision, to space tourism trips to the edge of the atmosphere for the ultra-rich. They make regular visits to the International Space Station with both crew and supplies, and they are part of the grandest plans to return man to the moon and perhaps even reach Mars in the not too distant future.
Extreme environments
Few environments are as challenging as space, with extremes of temperature, both blisteringly hot on the launch pad and freezing cold in orbit. Few mechanical processes involve the levels of mechanical stress, tension and wear and tear on components as a rocket launch. And, most important of all, few situations involve such catastrophic consequences when things go wrong.
The report into the Challenger disaster shows the importance of protecting pipes and hoses from extremes of temperature as well as physical stresses. The consequences of insufficient protection have also been shown vividly in a host of spectacular test-flight failures, or ‘Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly’ as the Space X team wryly call them, including the recent explosion of the Starship rocket, which led to the FAA grounding the whole programme while investigations are completed.
Rising to the challenge
Fortunately, extreme environments like these are where National Firesleeve products thrive. As such, our high quality, British made firesleeve could have a major role to play in the future of space exploration, offering the highest level of protection for pipes and hoses, cables and wires under extreme thermal and mechanical duress.
Our heat resistant silicone firesleeve is highly flexible and can operate at a continuous temperature of 260°C. What’s more, they can withstand molten splash up to 1200°C. When exposed to high temperatures, the high-grade rubber outer coating forms a protective layer of silicone oxide, doubling down on the protection of key components, cables and connections.
Firesleeve is also resistant to a wide range of chemicals, including many of the oils, hydraulic fluids and fuels used in the current space vehicles.
Down to earth protection
Of course, you don’t have to be heading to space to demand the highest levels of protection when it comes to your people and your equipment. National Firesleeve supply a huge range of industries, from those exploring the extremes of our own planet, such as mining companies and marine vessels, to those who are helping us all to explore every day, including the automotive industry and the rail networks.
Equipment failure here may not have the same disastrous consequences as it does in the space industry, but it can still be costly in terms of injuries and lives lost, production holdups and lost profits. Installing the proven protection of firesleeve from National Firesleeve gives you the confidence and peace of mind you need, whatever your industry, whatever the challenges.
Reaching for the stars
Who knows what the future holds for mankind in space, or what role National Firesleeve may have to play in making that future safer for all concerned.
In the meantime, we remain dedicated to supplying the highest quality, British made firesleeve across the United States, along with a wide range of other protection products, such as hose burst sleeving and self-fusing tape, to help you keep your workforce safe and your production lines rolling.