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Why Choose Firesleeve Tape?

July 22, 2024

When it comes to electrical insulation, moisture protection, emergency repairs and more, many of us instinctively reach for the duct tape or the traditional plastic electrical tape. These traditional toolbox essentials are fine, as far as they go, but they simply cannot match the performance and benefits of Firesleeve tape, such as our 369 self-fusing silicone tape.

369 self-fusing silicone Firesleeve tape can do everything that duct tape or electrical tape can do, and so much more. What’s more, it performs better, across a range of temperatures, and last longer, with no degradation to the adhesive over time, because there simply isn’t one.

Let’s take a look at the many benefits of Firesleeve tape and see why it makes both technical and financial sense in a range of situations.

Fully flexible

Firesleeve tape is a flexible, fully cured silicone rubber compound that fuses to itself forming a permanent bond. This means it can be wrapped easily around electrical junctions, pipes and wiring creating a permanent seal in no time. Unlike adhesive plastic tapes, which will eventually get stiff and inflexible, and ultimately become loose and slide out of place, Firesleeve tape stays put, just where you put it. The natural flexibility of silicone rubber stretches naturally to allow for any movement without compromising the seal.

Lasting adhesion

Because Firesleeve tape bonds to itself, there is no need for additional adhesives. The bond is fixed, firm and permanent, with no risk of the chemicals within an adhesive breaking down over time. While traditional electrical tape or duct tape will weaken when exposed to high temperatures, physical stress or even just direct sunlight, 369 self-fusing silicone tape remains stable at 180°C and can withstand short term maximum temperatures as high as 260°C.

The lack of a separate adhesive layer also means that 369 self-fusing silicone tape leaves no residue behind when it is removed. This not only makes temporary repairs clean and simple to remove and replace, but it also makes Firesleeve tape an ideal alternative to masking tape when powder coating delicate or porous surfaces which may retain a mark from traditional adhesive tapes.

Fully waterproof and airtight

Even the best electrical and duct tapes cannot form an airtight and watertight seal without being wound in multiple overlapping layers. However, since Firesleeve tape bonds to itself, the seal is solid and sound, becoming both airtight and waterproof in under 24hours. What’s more, this seal is just as effective when the tape has been stretched and wrapped around components, with none of the gaps or weak points experienced with traditional tape.

Easy and effective to use

If you have ever struggled with getting a sound seal with traditional adhesive tape, then you’ll know how important preparation is for such products. The surface has to be clean and dry and free of any debris that could compromise the attachment of the adhesive. However, because Firesleeve tape bonds to itself, with no adhesive required, this level of preparation is no longer necessary. That means that Firesleeve tape can be deployed quickly, easily and effectively in emergency situations, and is a simple alternative for sealing awkward or hard to access areas that would be difficult to correctly prepare.

Tough and durable

Firesleeve tape is rated 40 ± 10 on the Shore A hardness scale, demonstrating its durability and suitability for all kinds of demanding environments. This tough, yet flexible formula, combined with the high temperature resistance, makes 369 self-fusing silicone tape suitable for all kinds of uses in all kinds of industries.

To find out more about the performance, flexibility and practical applications of 369 self-fusing silicone tape, get in touch with National Firesleeve today. You’ll genuinely wonder how you ever got by without Firesleeve tape in your toolkit.